Blue Cellulose Beads with Vitamin E

Product Code: (SC-BL-VE-1101-S, SC-BL-VE-1103-S, SC-BL-VE-1104-VVS)

INCI - Lactose, Cellulose, HPMC, Color (1-3%)

Product Description: The color blue signifies cleanliness, strength, dependability, coolness, peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual, infinity. Thus with the use of blue cellulose Beads your product reflects strength and dependability with physiologically building loyalty and trust of your consumer.

The color blue signifies cleanliness, strength, dependability, coolness, peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual, infinity. Thus with the use of blue cellulose Beads your product reflects strength and dependability with physiologically building loyalty and trust of your consumer.

Particle Sizes

  • XS = Extra Small = 0.2 mm
  • VVS = Very Very Small = 0.2 - 0.3 mm
  • VS = Very Small = 0.3 - 0.6 mm
  • S = Small = 0.6 - 0.8 mm
  • M = Medium = 0.8 - 1.4 mm
  • L = Large = 1.4 - 2.0 mm
  • XL = Extra Large = 2 - 5 mm
Particle Sizes

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